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event photographer budapest

Event photographer in Budapest, Hungary

Professional event photography service
🙌 Hi, my name is Attila.
I have been working as an event photographer in Budapest and throughout Hungary for over 10 years.

Let's work together and my pictures are guaranteed to catch you event's best moments!

3 simple reasons why working with me will work for you the best


10 years experience

An event is a one time thing so mistakes are not allowed. I'm a problem solver who can do any type of event work.

Prompt deadlines, accurate delivery

The pictures will be delivered to you in 2 working days with post-production, exactly as we discussed before.

Unique style

Over the years, I have had time to experiment my own style and vision. I take photos that draw people's attention and hold it.

Only have 2 minutes?
Then this video is for you

👀 Here you can check my event photography works
event photography budapest

Event photography
prices Budapest

The prices read here are indicative and do not constitute a price offer. Every event is different, if you need a validated price offer, please ask for a price quote in the tab below. 😊



Under general conditions, I apply the following event photography pricing in Budapest:

The first two hours of event photography costs 200 EUR.

I cannot accept events less than two hours of duration.

After that, each hour costs 80 EUR.

I usually undertake the departures outside the administrative boundaries of Budapest at a price of 1 EUR/km.

The departure within Budapest is free of charge.

I charge 20% extra fee on the weekends.

event photography budapest
Rendezveny - arak

Get to know me!

Read my blog posts

What clients say about me

event photography 1

Attila is a very open-minded and absolutely flexible professional with a real passion for photography. He likes thinking out of the box and has a very good instinct to find character and beauty in even a very simple scene or topic. Our cooperation has been smooth and fun from the very beginning; he proved to be a mind-reader multiple times who perfectly understands what we really want to see in the final photos.

event photography 2

Áron Levendel

A real professional photographer who works independently and instantly finds common ground with a layman customer. His work is fresh, dynamic and stands out of the crowd.

Get to know about me
Check my Youtube channel

Satisfied clients

marriott logo
erste logo
corinthia logo
szamlazzhu logo
event photographer

A few words about me

My name is Attila Őzse, I have been doing event photography for 10 years now.

What exactly do I give you that nobody else besides me? I just solve your problems. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that my clients need a supportive help, not just "doing the job".

I can say with confidence that if you decide to work together with me your team will get a solution oriented professional who will make sure increase your revenue.

Event anchor

Request a quote 
for event photography

Please complete this form (2 minutes)

and I will send you a detailed quote.

Or you can send an email:

Őzse Attila 

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